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31/01/2025 | Traveling exhibition
The Disavowed. Victims of National Socialism. 1933 - 1945 - Today

About people persecuted under the NS-Regime as “asocials” and “career criminals”
1010.2024 – 31.1.2025 in Berlin – Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
Project Site here

28/01/2025 | Conference
The Future is Already Built

Witness Hearing with: MEP Rasmus Andresen (Greens/EFA), Laurens Bekemans (BC architects & studies & materials / RWTH Aachen), Oana Bogdan (&bogdan / HouseEurope!), Iva Čukić (Ministarstvo prostora), An Fonteyne (noAarchitecten / ETH Zurich), Gabu Heindl (GABU Heindl Architektur / Uni Kassel), Petra Hlaváčková (4AM Forum for Architecture and Media / Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien), Josiane Schmidt (ETH Zurich, HouseEurope!)
Arch+, House Europe!
Ort: CIVA Brüssel

14/01/2025 | Lecture
Nonsolution in Architectural Acts

Gabu Heindl at Master Lectures series
University of Applied Arts Sciences, Münster

31/12/2024 | New Book Out!
Nonsolution. Politik der aktiven Nichtlösung im Planen und Bauen

Gabu Heindl, Drehli Robnik
Hamburg: adocs, 2024

11/12/2024 | Lecture
CARE and struggles for urban space

Goethe University Frankfurt/Main

28, 29/11/2024 | Congress
But is it still possible to build? - Bauwelt Kongress 2024

But is it still possible to build? Building consumes tons of resources, releases tons of CO₂, destroys biodiversity and increases segregation. So is it better not to build at all? There’s no denying it: Architecture is part of all those problems we sometimes want to surrender to.
@ Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin

12/11/2024, 07:00 pm | Book Launch
Composing and decomposing a whole. Ideologies of solutionism and politics of nonsolution

Gabu Heindl & Drehli Robnik @ Städelschule Frankfurt

11/11/2024, 07:30 pm | Book Launch
Nonsolution. On the policy of active non-solution in planning and building.

Book launch with Gabu Heindl and Drehli Robnik @Pro qm, Berlin
Thematic bookshop on city, politics, pop, economic criticism, architecture, design, art & theory

08/11/2024, 03:00 pm | Austrian Society for Architecture Site Visit

By Gabu Heindl and Evamaria Freinberger
moderated by Michael Klein / ÖGFA

22/10/2024 | Lecture
Setting, accessibility, justice

Gabu Heindl
Lecture Series “Question of Position” by ÖIAV, TU Vienna, FH Campus Vienna
Audimax F.E.01, Favoritenstraße 222, 1100 Vienna

10/10/2024 | Exhibition Opening
Die Verleugneten

Traveling exhibition on those persecuted under the NS-Regime as “Assoziale” and “ Berufsverbrecher”
Project Site here

05/10/2024, 05:00 pm | Solidarity-Event
rise up planet 10 Party

5 more floors to be built
ab 17:00 Coffee, Cake & Cacao
18:00 house tour for children (and adults ;-)
18:30 kinder disco: DJ Lucy Bakanal & Fra
19:30 poetry: Mihret Kebede, multidisciplinary artist/poet and planet10writerfriends
20:15 concert: Oluchukwu aka LoveMore
20:45 info and join ‘rise up planet 10’: Gabu Heindl Architektur and planet people
21:15 drag: Madame Léa, Major Simp, STORM
22:00 dj-sets: Gawdesque, Fadidadi, DJ Saratonin, DJ báwo
Planet 10, Pernerstorfergasse 12, 1100 Wien
About the projekt

18/06/2024, 06:00 pm | Ring Lecture
gendering sustainability. Gabu Heindl: A Room of Her* Own – Housing Equality in Times of Climate Crisis

@Campus Center University Kassel
about the event

05/06/2024 | Workshop

Prof. Dr. Gabu Heindl @SUMMER INSTITUTE University of the Andes, Bogotá (Colombia)
05.06.2024 – 08.06.2024
Event Link

04/06/2024, 07:00 pm | Lecture
Gabu Heindl at Coburg's Tuesday Lecture Series

@Audimax, Design Campus, College Coburg

07/05/2024, 06:00 pm | Lecture / Urban Planning-Colloquium
Urban Conflicts: Building Crisis / Building Moratorium

Gabu Heindl speaks in the program of the exhibition Bodenfrage on the initiative of the BDA Baden-Württemberg and the Urban Design Institute of the University of Stuttgart.
@University of Stuttgart Foyer Kollegiengebäude (K1)

18/04/2024, 06:30 pm | Public presentation
Kassel is taking initiative? Reactivate the unused space!

Public presentation of the research results on the vacancies in Kassel at the Department
@sdg+ lab Kassel

21/03/2024, 08:00 pm | Lecture
Gabu Heindl in Leuven - Landscape(s) of co-existence

As part of the lecture series Auditorium 23/24 CO-EXISTENCE, curated by Atelier Paola Viganò, Gabu Heindl presents her current work on the topic ‘Designing space for new ways of living together’.
@STUK Auditorium, Naamsestraat 96, 3000 Leuven

11/03/2024 | Lecture
The fascist city today/tomorrow? Anti-democratic architecture and new spaces of domination

Gabu Heindl & Drehli Robnik
at the invitation of Geh Denken! Memorial Service Vienna
Depot Vienna

22/02/2024, 07:00 pm | Public Discussion
Resolving Housing Crisis sustainably

Discussion on Social Justice in Building Reform in Times of Crisis.
With: Irmela Colaço (BUND), Bernhard Daldrup (SPD), Prof. Dr. Gabu Heindl (University of Kassel), Maurice Höfgen (journalist and author).
Dragoner Areal, Berlin

15/02/2024 | Final Review
Gabu Heindl as guest critic for Projective Cities

@ AA London

13/02/2024, 01:30 pm | Seminar
Situating Engaged/Practice-based Reasearch as Activism(s)

@Sheffield University.
This seminar brings together established activist researchers and practitioners with ECRs and PGRs to provide a space to (re)frame their research through the lens of activism; with Gabu Heindl (University of Kassel) Doina Petrescu (SSoA).

09/02/2024 | Lecture
On architectural practice with an emphasis on community dialogue

On architectural practice with an emphasis on community dialogue
part of ’The Shared Planning Course’
Royal Danish Academy

06, 07, 08/02/2024 | Yearly exhibition
Yearly Exhibition Uni Kassel

Construction Industry and Project Development

27/11/2023, 04:00 pm | Keynote and Panel discussion
Safer Cities | UN Women Austria

as part of: ORANGE THE WORLD, with: Doris Damyanovic, Gabu Heindl, Andrea Jany, Eva Kail, Sabina Riss, Sophie Thiel, moderation: Wojciech Czaja
UN Women Austria and BOKU
Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Wien

14/11/2023 | Urban & Environmental Theory Sessions / HRC
Counterprojects of Coexistence

Session #3
Gabu Heindl & Doina Petrescu
MAS in Urban and Territorial Design and HRC-Habitat Research Center
Archizoom & Zoom
ETH EPFL Lausanne

10/11/2023 | Conference on Teaching Urbanism
Lucerne Talks

Keynote Lecture on “Nonsolution” by Gabu Heindl & Drehli Robnik
More speakers: Tom Avermaete, Julian Lewis, Suhailey Farzana and Hasibul Kabir, Frédéric Bonnet, Martina Voser a.o.
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts Engineering & Architecture
Campus Horw, Lucerne

19/10/2023, 07:00 pm | Lecture and Panel discussion
AusgeSTADTet. Who gets to design and define the public space?

Lecture by Gabu Heindl. Diskussion with Christian Schnurer and Hans-Christian Wagner. Moderation: Eleonore Birkenstock
Künstlerhaus Nürnberg

03/10/2023, 07:00 pm | Discussion
Denkmal – Stadt – Erinnerung

Gabu Heindl, Marcela Torres Heredia, Alon Ishay, moderated by Rosemarie Burgstaller discuss problematic monuments.
How does public space become a place of discourse and reflection on history? Which monuments and street names should be given a place in the future city?
German language
Depot Vienna

29/09/2023, 05:00 pm | Lecture and Discussion
(Um-)Bauen und Wohnen – Gemeinsam!

in the series Zivilgesellschaft gestaltet Zukunft mit Gabu Heindl, Dennis Klose, Doreen Fragel and Frithjof Look, moderated by Frerk Schenker,
at the German Theater, Göttingen

20/09/2023, 04:30 pm | Paper presentation
Red Vienna as a Business Model for Europe’s periphery? Public land grab disguised as affordable housing solution

Gabu Heindl and Iva Marčetić
Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2023
Campus Westend der Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main

15/07/2023 | Lecture

Symposium of TRACES (Transdisciplinary Research Center for Exhibition Studies): “QUESTIONS OF EXHIBITING” in the context of the tour at the Kunsthochschule Kassel

08/07/2023, 02:30 pm | Debate at Eiermann-Building in Apolda

Moritz Ahlert, Gabu Heindl, Renée Tribble on Caring for Projects, Participants, the Environment and the Planet.
IBA Thüringen

17/06/2023, 05:00 pm | Talk
Free Berlin

Publication launch and interventions with Brandon LaBelle, Gabu Heindl, Anaïs Florin, Adam Kraft et al.
On the occasion of the exhibition MACHT RAUM GEWALT. Planen und Bauen im Nationalsozialismus, Akademie der Künste
Pariser Platz, Berlin

12/06/2023, 07:00 pm | Response
Housing under the Dictates of Finance. A Human Rights Crisis

Response to the Lecture by Raquel Rolnik (Universidade de São Paulo)
AzW, Wohnimpulse #1

24/05/2023, 11:30 am | Lecture
Sedimentierte Geschichte und Denkmalkonflikte

as part of the Fachgespräche Denkmalsturz und Diversität der Denkmallandschaft of the Bundesdenkmalamt, Vienna

15/05/2023, 05:00 pm | Lecture
Radikaldemokratische Ideen zum Wohnen

as part of the BAWO Fachtagung in Bregenz

10/05/2023 | guided tour
SchloR unter der Lupe

for architects4future

29/04/2023, 10:00 am | Lecture von Gabu Heindl

20th docomomo Germany Conference ARCHITECTURE AND MODERNITY
Paulskirche Paulsplatz 11

16/04/2023, 11:00 am | Panel discussion

Language Arts between Exclusion and Solidarity
With Gabu Heindl, Edit Kaldor and Raul Walch. Moderated by Matthias Seier.
Angewandte, Expositur Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7, Vienna

09/03/2023, 06:30 pm | Lecture
Drawing (Into) Public Space. Contested exhibitions and urban conflicts

Institute for Architecture and Design, University of Technology, Vienna
Lecture Hall 18
Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna

23/02/2023, 02:30 pm | Lecture by Prof. Dr. Gabu Heindl
Community Living in Hessen – Online Symposium

“Democratic urban development through civic housing projects”
Online-Conference of Landesberatungsstelle gemeinschaftliches Wohnen in Hessen
23. & 24. Februar (Language: German)
Information and registration

25/01/2023, 07:00 pm | Inaugural lecture
less: more and mo­re, more: all for all

Gabu Heindl: University Professor for “Architecture Cities Economies” | Building Economy and Project Development, University of Kassel
in the series Less:on WiSe 22/23
In presence at the ASL-Neubau Uni Kassel and digital

17/01/2023 | Book presentation and conference
There Just is no City Without Justice!

Public presentation of the research publication Gerechte Stadt Muss Sein!
Chamber of Labour, Vienna
fully booked

16/01/2023, 06:00 pm | online lecture
Working Women Rooming – So many urgent issues for egalitarian housing

Open” Online Lecture Series within the BA/MA course “Taking Care! On Spaces of Reproduction“, Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design

29/11/2022, 07:00 pm | Lecture

Lecture at the Institute of Architecture of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

17/11/2022, 06:00 pm | guided tour
Power of Display

In a series of dialogue tours, schnittpunkt explores the relationship between content and design in temporary exhibitions. This time, the exhibition Disposing of Hitler. Out of the Cellar, Into the Museum at the hdgö.

10/11/2022, 07:30 pm | Book launch & talk
Stadtkonflikte. Radikale Demokratie in Architektur und Stadtplanung

Book launch & talk
Together with Jesko Fezer at Pro qm, Berlin, DE

06/10/2022, 01:00 pm | Panel discussion
Architekturen des Nationalsozialismus als Ausdruck von Ideologie?

Panel in the context of the conference Nationalsozialismus ausstellen.
With Gabu Heindl, Sylvia Necker, Max Welch-Guerra, Moderation: Christian Demand
Akademie C.-Pirckheimer-Haus, Nürnberg

29/09/2022, 07:30 pm | Talk
Stadtkonflikte – Radikaldemokratische Stadtplanung?

Gleis 21 , Wien

29/09/2022, 01:30 pm | Panel
Verschärfter Wettbewerb im sozialen Wohnbau: zur Lage der gemeinnützigen Wohnungswirtschaft

Universität Wien

25/09/2022 | Lecture
Denkmäler und ihre Rolle in umkämpften Erinnerungskulturen

on the “Tag des Denkmals 2022 at the partisan memorial at Peršmanhof and in St. Ruprecht/Šentrupert, with Drehli Robnik

14/09/2022, 07:00 pm | Lecture
Sorgsame Migrationsgesellschaft

Lecture as part of the series Sicherheit wieder sprechen. Infrastrukturen eines sorgsamen Zusammenlebens,
Location: Forum Stadtpark – Zentrum für Sicherheit, Graz

06/09/2022 | Presentations and Party

Tuesday@Secession with the new members of the Secession
with Johanna Tinzl, Gabu Heindl, Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński & Stephanie Misa
Location: Garden at the rondeau behind the Secession, Vienna

02/09/2022, 04:15 pm | ENHR Conference
Solving the Green Challenge: Innovative Design for Sustainable Housing

Plenary Session at the European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) Annual Conference
with Gabu Heindl, Catalina Turcu, Jeremy Till and Ebru Ergöz Karahan,
Location: Barcelona

28/06/2022, 06:00 pm | Panel Discussion
Solidarity City: How do we want to live together?

with Gabu Heindl, architect, Vienna/Nuremberg; Lisa Vollmer, urbanist, Berlin/Weimar; Gabriele Nießen, State Councilor for Urban Development and Housing, Bremen.
Bremen Urban Dialogue
Venue: b.zb Bremen Center for Building Culture

24/06/2022 | opening Keynote
Claiming the Cinema Space: Radical (Re)Communalisation of Urban Space

Cinema of Commoning Symposium

25/05/2022, 04:45 pm | Film screening
Mock-ups in Close-up

“Mock-ups in Close-up: Architectural Models in Film 1919-2014”, a film by Gabu Heindl amd Drehli Robnik.
Location: The Well, Arts Tower, Sheffield School of Architecture

25/05/2022, 03:00 pm | Double-lecture & discussion
Non-solution in architecture

Gabu Heindl: Nonsolution in architecture – agency and strategy
Drehli Robnik: The politics of nonsolution – concepts and contexts
Hybrid event: The Well, Arts Tower, Sheffield School of Architecture/

10, 20/03/2022, 07:00 pm | Exhibition finissage
Urban Conflicts: A Housing Manifesto

GABU Heindl: Presentation The Housing Manifesto
and discussion with local activists
Galerie architektury Brno, CZ

09/03/2022 | Performing Architecture
The Art of Assembly XIII Designing Politics. Architectures of Deliberation and Decision-Making

With Gabu Heindl, Markus Miessen & David Mulder van der Vegt
Hosted by Florian Malzacher
Münchner Kammerspiele
Online and at Schauspielhaus München

07/03/2022, 06:00 pm | Keynote
ETH Athena Lecture

Housing Forum and Opening of Parity Talks
per online link and live at HIB Open Space 2
ETH Wohnforum – ETH Zürich

23/02/2022, 07:00 pm | online talk + discussion
VANCOUVER: Social Housing & Tenant Organizing

with Wendy Pedersen, The Downtown Eastside SRO Collaborative and Marika Albert, BC Non-Profit Housing Association
lecture program of Urban Conflicts – A Housing Manifesto
Galerie Architektury Brno
link on Teams

22/12/2021, 07:00 pm | Introductory Lecture
CARE for Housing

in the context of Gabu Heindl: Urban Conflicts – A Housing Manifesto
Galerie architektury Brno, CZ

19/12/2021 | video
Housing for all. affordable.durable.inclusive.

BAWO – Federal Working Group for Assistance to the Homeless in cooperation with IBA – International Building Exhibition_Vienna 2022
Vienna (AT)

04/12/2021, 02:00 pm | Lecture | canceled
Political ethics in architecture and cities/reconstruction. On Dilemmas, Conflicts and Scope for Action

Berlin Talk 2021 Ethics of Architecture
Deutsches Architektur Zentrum DAZ, Berlin

16/11/2021, 01:30 pm | public lecture
The Publicness of Architecture

How to engage in intersectional struggles
over housing and public space ?
20:30pm local time
Zoom link available
Hong Kong University

28/10/2021, 03:00 pm | Panel Discussion
Intersectional solidarity in housing and public space

Carmen Hines talks with Ying-Tzu Lin (Slutty Urbanism), Gabu Heindl und Milagros Hurtig
Giardini della Biennale, Venice (IT)

15/10/2021, 03:00 pm | Excursion
All Facets of Life

SchloR und Gabu Heindl: habiTaT – schöner leben in Simmering
Rappachgasse 26, 1110 Vienna

03/10/2021 | Activist talk
Rebuilding Evidence & Building Critique

with Shourideh Molavi (Forensic Architecture) & Gabu Heindl (Architect and Activist)
Donaufestival Krems

01/10/2021, 04:30 pm | site visit
Kindergarten campus Furth bei Göttweig

ORTE – Architecture Network Lower Austria site visit
Furth near Göttweig (Lower Austria)

30/09/2021, 06:00 pm | Talk

Book Speed Dating
with Gabu Heindl, Drehli Robnik, Anette Hoffmann and many more
Venue | Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, M13a

24/09/2021 | Symposium
Politics of Memory in Urbanism

Input lecture by Gabu Heindl
“Bilder vom Gelände” Conference on the Nazi Party Rally Grounds in Nuremberg
Nuremberg Institute of Technology

15/09/2021, 06:00 pm | lecture, panel discussion
Political paradigms for social and climate justice

Conference Im Umbruch – How to architect the future?
Chamber of Architects Niedersachsen
With Saskia Sassen, Deane Simpson, Gabu Heindl, Moderation: Matthias Böttger
Hochhaus Lister Tor/Bredero, Hannover

28/08/2021, 03:00 pm | Panel Discussions

Panel Discussions on Platform Urbanism
with Benj Gerdes (Stockholm), Ofri Cnaani (London), Lucia Babina (Bologna) und Gabu Heindl (Vienna)
moderated by Carmen Lael Hines
Giardini della Biennale in Venice

17, 18/08/2021, 06:00 pm | Screening and online lecture
Mock-ups in Close-up. Architectural Models in Film 1919–2019

by Gabu Heindl & Drehli Robnik
Kasarmikatu 24, 00130 Helsinki
Museum of Finnish Architecture

19/07/2021 | Lecture, Symposium
Climate Change - Is there a new dynamic?

Start event of summer universities: Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems und Green.Building.Solutions.
With: Helga Kromp-Kolb, Karin Stieldorf, Anika Dafert, Fridays For Future Austria, Gabu Heindl, Heinz Fassmann, Nora Laufer
Kuppelsaal, TU Vienna

07/07/2021, 07:00 pm | Diskussion with Live Stream
Ansprechen: Architektur & Gesellschaft

Discussion with: Solveig Furu Almo, Karlheinz Boiger, Alexander Hagner, Gabu Heindl, Martin Brischnik
Klima-Kultur-Pavillon am Freiheitsplatz in Graz und via Livestream!

06/07/2021 | Lecture series
Land issue. Common good

Horizonte SoSe21
Bauhaus-University Weimar
Initiative Horizonte
Weimar (GER)

04/07/2021, 09:00 pm | Film screening and discussion
Mock-ups in Close-up: Architectural Models in Film 1919-2014

Movie project by Gabu Heindl, Drehli Robnik
(Kompilationsvideo, 2008-2014; 146 min)
Club Hybrid, Graz (AT)

29/06/2021, 08:00 am | Online conference
Fixing Housing Unaffordability: Non-Market Solutions

with Gabu Heindl, Glyn Robbins, Shane Phillips, Penny Gurstein, Steven Pomeroy, Marc Lee
Hosted by The Community Social Planning Council of Greater Victoria and Local Island Social Planners Connect (CAN)

02/06/2021, 07:00 pm | Book presentation with author Gabu Heindl
Stadtkonflikte. Radikale Demokratie in Architektur und Stadtplanung

Forum Stadtpark, Graz

21/04/2021, 06:30 pm | Online event

Discussion with Heidrun Primas (moderation) and Judith Schwentner, Gabu Heindl, Marion Alexandra Würz-Stalder
Invitation Link

16/03/2021, 07:00 pm | Online Book presentation
Unhoused living. Conflicting Spaces in Art - Architecture - Visual Culture

Moderation by: Kathrin Heinz, Art scholar, Bremen
Discussion with:
Monika Ankele, Gabu Heindl, Elke Krasny, Henrike Naumann, Irene Nierhaus, Brigitte Voykowitsch Zoom Link

03/03/2021, 06:30 pm | Online debate
STADT MACHEN! Radikale Demokratie in der Stadtplanung

Das W – Zentrum für urbanes Zusammenleben
Moers, D

01/03/2021, 04:00 pm | Die Presse Livestream Podium
What housing for Vienna?

With Kathrin Gaál, Deputy Mayor and Deputy Governor Executive City Councillor for Housing of Vienna;
Gabu Heindl, GABU Heindl Architecture, Vienna, AA London, Daniel Riedl, Vonovia, BUWOG; Hans-Peter Weiss, ARE Austrian Real Estate; Moderation: Rainer Nowak, Die Presse
Invitation as PDF

26/01/2021, 05:30 pm | Guided Talk with Gabu Heindl
Land Politics and Radical Democracy

in the exhibition Land for us all
AzW, Vienna

22/01/2021, 03:00 pm | Onlince conference
Radical democracy in architecture and urban planning

How radical should democracy be? | platform more democracy!
Linz (AT)

12/01/2021, 06:00 pm | Online Lecture
Lecture series Utopias and Dystopias (in Vienna)

by Gabu Heindl
PIT Technical University of Vienna

08/12/2020, 11:30 am | Public lecture
Radical Public Practice: On the politics of architectural non-solutions

as Part of SSOA MAUD / Participation in Architecture and Urban Design module
Sheffield University

04, 05, 06/12/2020 | Online Talk
Cinema and the crisis of publicity

Borjana Gaković talks with Gabu Heindl
within the 16th National congress of the communal cinemas

01/12/2020, 04:15 pm | Online Conference
Radical Democratic Housing Politics as Red Vienna’s Critical Legacy

1919 Red Vienna – 2020 Red Berlin? Rent Policies, Migration and Social Housing
With: Matthias Clausen, Esra Akcan, Marco Pogacnik, Gabu Heindl, Valentina Orioli
curated by Jacopo Galimberti, Andrea Borsari, Annalisa Trentin (University of Bologna)

06/10/2020 | Book presentation
City Conflicts. Radical Democracy in Architecture and Urban Planning

Author Gabu Heindl, moderated by architectural journalist Maik Novotny
Depot Wien, 1070, Breite Gasse 3

30/09/2020, 06:00 pm | Book presentation
Rotes Wien publiziert. Architektur in Medien und Kampagnen

Book launch and talk with Harald R. Stühlinger (editor of the book), Gerhard Murauer, Robert Reinagl and Gabu Heindl; Host: Elke Wikidal
Wienbibliothek, City Hall Vienna

23/09/2020, 05:15 pm | IBA-Symposium
Affordability and new ways of housing - challenges and solutions

With representatives from Barcelona, Dublin and Cologne and from Vienna Gabu Heindl, Sina Lipp, Raimund Gutmann
“How will we live tomorrow? New Ways to Social Housing in Europe”
at WEST (former Sophienspital), 1070 Vienna

18/09/2020, 06:00 pm | Book presentation
Radical democracy!

Volkshochschule Ottakring Ludo-Hartmann-Platz 7
1160 Vienna

11/09/2020, 02:10 pm | Keynote
Conditions for sustainable, affordable and inclusive dwelling

at the conference of sustainable dwelling in theory and practice
Vienna University of Technology

10/09/2020, 07:00 pm | Lecture, Live-Stream (in German)
Radical Democracy in Architecture and Urban Planning?

As part of the lecture series Creators for Future
BDA Hessen
Danzig am Platz, Frankfurt

29/08/2020, 03:00 pm | Keynote lecture, Club Alpbach Salzburg
The impact of a global pandemic on public space as fundamental of urban societies

What does socially just public space look like? How does the current pandemic crisis affect public space and mobility behaviour?

27/08/2020, 07:05 pm | radio talk
Stadtkonflikte - Die Utopie der gerechten Stadt.

A talk with Gabu Heindl.
by Marlene Nowotny (Ö1)

09/08/2020 | first reading (german)
Reading, Kritische Literaturtage: Gabu Heindl „Stadtkonflikte. Radikale Demokratie in Architektur und Stadtplanung“

Open Air, Garten des Labor Alltagskultur
1120, Kolonieweg 48

09/07/2020, 06:00 pm | Opening, public lectures
Danube Canal - History of Swimming in the Danube Canal

public swimming talks with experts
a.o. with Gabu Heindl und Susan Kraupp, moderated by Schwimmverein Donaukanal
Kunst Haus Wien, 1030 Vienna

08/07/2020, 07:00 pm | Online Conference
GrazTalk 03: LAND

Gabu Heindl (Architect and urban planner, Vienna), Elke Kahr (Stadträtin, Graz), Bernhard Inninger (Leitung Stadtplanungsamt Graz)
​Moderation: Ana Jeinić (Grazotopia) und Adina Camhy (Grazotopia)

01/06/2020 | Lecture, Panel
Degrowth Conference

Good Housing for All. Strategies for Social Ecological Transformations of the Housing Sector
Facilitator: Verena Wolf, speakers: Anton Brokow-Loga, Gabu Heindl, Francois Schneider
Big Blue Button

29/05/2020, 03:00 pm | Symposium
Urgent Futures. Architectural Education in 2025

Fundamentals. History&Theory. Speculation. Buildings
5pm session on Speculation: Kate Davies, Ana Nicolaescu, Gabu Heindl, Pol Esteve, Indy Johar
Architectural Association London

20/05/2020, 07:00 pm | Online talk
Housing politics A C.

with Gabu Heindl, Andrea Jany, Barbara Ruhsmann, Florian Stadtschreiber
Central Association of Austrian Architects – Section Styria

12/05/2020, 05:00 pm | Live Talk
Emergency Coronavirus – how to achieve more justice for living space and their cost?

Gabu Heindl (Architect, urban planner, activist) in a talk with political editor Martin Wassermair via video-talk.
at Dorf TV

10/03/2020 | Discussion
Voices for a just city

Gabu Heindl at the 12th Austrian Anti Poverty Network
Conference Centre St. Virgil, 5020 Salzburg

15/02/2020 | lecture
Care for the people!

Greenskills Symposion 2020
Sustainability symposion
University of Applied Arts
Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7, 1030 Vienna

04/02/2020 | lecture
Housing as a basic, socially need. Red Vienna and the meaning for the present and future of the city

Gabu Heindl at urbanize! 2019
dérive – Radio for urban science

30/01/ - 06/02/2020 | unit trip
AA Diploma Unit 17 trip to Vienna

The Publicness of Architecture. Radical Democracy in Urban Space

22/01/2020 | Film and discussion
Remake Frankfurter Frauen Film Tage

Where do elderly people live?
Kino des DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum, Frankfurt am Main (GER)

16/12/2019, 02:00 pm | Lecture
Gabu Heindl: Whose City?

Radical Democracy in Architecture & Urban Design
Cross-Disciplinary Strategies
Hintere Zollamtsstrasse 17, Vienna

13/12/2019 | Term 1 final review
Architecture´s public

Radical Democracy in Urban Space
Architectural Association, London (UK)

10/12/2019, 06:30 pm | Lecture
After Asphalt City – Städtebau im Zeichen von Klima und sozialer Gerechtigkeit

Hörsaal HS 11, Technical University of Vienna

06/12/2019, 04:00 pm | Keynote Lecture
Cinema as a public space

15th congress of cummunal cinemas
Karlstorkino, Am Karlstor 1, Heidelberg (GER)

04/12/2019 | CANCELLED
Radical Public Practice: What Tools for What Planning Situation?

Guest Professor Lecture #2
Sheffield University, Sheffield (UK)

26/11/2019, 01:00 pm | Lecture
Architects for Social Housing

Radical Democracy Unit Lecture #1
host: Unit Master Gabu Heindl
AA London (UK)

07/11/2019, 06:00 pm | Ausstellungseröffnung
Nicht mehr verschüttet. Jüdisch-österreichische Geschichte in der Wiener Malzgasse

Haus der Geschichte Österreich, Vienna

20/10/2019, 12:30 pm | Lecture
Aufbrechen Ankommen – Wohnungsangebote für Frauen an Lebensschnittstellen

Gabu Heindl and many more
Enquete Frauen.Wohnen.Wien
Urania, Vienna (AT)

30/09/2019, 07:00 pm | Lecture, Talk
Whose freedom?

Danny Dorling with Gabu Heindl
Secession, Vienna (AT)

28/09/2019, 07:00 pm | Festwochen-Veranstaltung
Schwarzmarkt für nützliches Wissen und Nicht-Wissen NR. 20

Das Rote Wien 1919 – 2019 – 2119
Co-curated by Gabu Heindl
Das Wissen der Stadt in 252 Dialogen, Vienna (AT)

09/09/2019 | Lecture
Wer Klein denkt, kann nicht Groß handeln

Gabu Heindl
Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik – Leistbare Stadt, Berlin

21/06/2019, 04:30 pm | Lecture
Architecture’s public ground

Gabu Heindl
Critical Care Symposium, AzW, Vienna

09/05/2019 | Lecture
Radical Democracy and Architecture. Politics, Positions, Planning

Gabu Heindl
AA New Canonical Histories series,
Architectural Association, London

08/05/2019, 04:30 pm | Inaugural Lecture
Whose City? Radical Democacy in Architecture and Urban Design

Whose City? Radical Democacy in Architecture and Urban Design
by Visiting Professor Gabu Heindl
University of Sheffield, Sheffield (UK)

20/03/2019 | Lecture
Cinema as public space

Gabu Heindl
Film festival Diagonale, Graz (AT)

07/01/2019, 07:00 pm | Discussion
Solidarity City

Solidarische Stadt
Gabu Heindl
Café Siebenstern, Vienna (AT)

25/10/2018 | TV Talk
Toter und lebendiger Raum

Toter und lebendiger Raum
with Gabu Heindl, Martin Schenk
Eingeschenkt at Okto TV, Vienna

08/06/2018, 03:00 pm | Architectural Days 2018
Zu Gast bei … GABU Heindl Architektur

Zu Gast bei … GABU Heindl Architektur | Selbstverwaltete und solidarische Hauskollektivprojekte
with the team of GABU Heindl Architektur, Vienna (AT)

10/11/2017 | Finissage of Exhibition
Letzte Orte vor der Deportation: Kleine Sperlgasse, Castellezgasse, Malzgasse

Architecture of Exhibition by GABU Heindl Architektur
Krypta im Heldendenkmal
Heldenplatz, Vienna

17/10/2017, 07:00 pm | Exhibition`s opening
heimat:machen - Das Volkskundemuseum Wien zwischen Alltag und Politik

Exhibition`s conception by GABU Heindl Architektur
Laudongasse 15-19, 1080 Vienna

20/06/ - 14/07/2017 | Exhibition / ON SITE Workshop
Care + Repair

Ein öffentlicher Arbeitsraum des Architekturzentrum Wien
im Rahmen der Vienna Biennale 2017
internationale Architekturteams: a-works, Gabu Heindl, Rotor, Meike Schalk, a.o.
Imgro-Halle beim Wasserturm, Nordbahnhof

19/05/2017, 07:00 pm | Lecture

Urban Planning, Dissensual Politics and Popular Agency
Lecture by Gabu Heindl
Djavad Mowafaghian World Art Centre
Goldcorp Centre for the Arts, 149 W. Hastings St.
Vancouver, Canada

17/05/2017, 06:00 pm | discussion
The Vienna Model

City Debate #10: Follow Vienna, subsidize more housing
Pro and Con: Thom Armstrong, Gabu Heindl, Antonio Gómez-Palacio, Tom Davidoff
Museum of Vancouver
Vancouver, Canada

28/03/2017 | Conference
Setting, Setzung, Sedimentation

Reactivating Political Conflict in Urban Planning
SKUOR Konferenz “Unsettled”
Technische Universität Wien

07/03/2017 | Lecture
Vienna grows. Vienna builts.

Tagung der Arbeiterkammer Wien
Keynote speech by Gabu Heindl
AK Bildungszentrum – Großer Saal
Theresianumgasse 16-18, 1040 Vienna

19/10/2016, 06:00 pm | Lecture
What material space does it take that social space can happen?

CuMMA Discourse Series #33
Building Dissensus
Node Gallery
Hämeentie 135C, 5th floor, 00560 Helsinki, Finnland

12/10/2016, 02:00 pm | Discussion and Talk
Power of Display 77: Die 70er. Damals war Zukunft

with Gabu Heindl, Beatrice Jaschke, Renate Höllwart, Elke Smodics, Eva Dertschei und Carlos Toledo
Annual Exhibition at the Schallaburg
3382 Schallaburg 1, Lower Austria (AT)

30/09/ - 09/10/2016 | Planning | Conversion
The Promises of Modernist Premises: Pool Trakiya 2016

Collective re-appropriation of a deserted pool as communal outdoor centre Block 1,2,3: Trakiya in the modernist dwelling of Trakiya
Commissioned by studioBASAR
One Architecture Week
Plovdiv, Bulgaria

14/06/2016, 04:00 pm | Lecture
Vermessen – House of statistics

walk & talk with Gabu Heindl
Akademie der ZUsammenKUNFT
Ecke Otto-Braun-Straße / Karl-Marx-Allee
House of Statistics, Berlin (GER)

13/06/2016, 06:00 pm | FILMSCREENING and discussion
Mock-ups in Close-up

Gabu Heindl, Drehli Robnik; mit Sophia Gräfe, Fabian Scholtz und Karin Krauthausen
Tieranatomisches Theater der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Campus Nord, Philippstr. 12/13, Haus 3, Berlin

01/06/2016, 06:30 pm | discussion
Städtebauliche Verträge – Fallstricke oder Chance?

Talk with Gabu Heindl
Grüne Bildungswerkstatt
Café Schopenhauer, 1180 Vienna

13/05/ - 19/06/2016 | Festival
Skulptur im öffentlichen Raum - Variante 3 / 2016

at the Viennese Festwochen!
public installation at the Festwochen-Centre
Künstlerhaus Vienna

05, 06/05/2016 | Lecture | Workshop
Place 2016

International Conference on Creative industries and City image
workshop and lecture by Gabu Heindl
program, all participants, etc.
Kunsthalle, Kasárne/Kulturpark Košice

06/04/2016, 07:00 pm | Lecture
Urbanity through solidarity

über starke Stadtplanung und kollektiven Städtebau
Vortrag von Gabu Heindl
Zentagasse 39, 1050 Vienna

09/12/2015, 07:30 pm | Lecture
Building public

by Gabu Heindl
mittwochsreihe architekturdesign
Historische Aula im Altbau | Akademiestr. 2
Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich (GER)

27/11/2015, 10:00 am | International Symposium
Hands on Urbanism

Lecture, discussion with Gabu Heindl, Elke Krasny, u.a.
Moravská Galerie, Brno (CZ)

24/11/2015, 02:30 pm | Lecture
Fair distribution

AK City Congress with Gabu Heindl
Vienna grows – public space
Chamber of Labour, Vienna

11/02/2015 | Presentation, Lecture
Donaukanal Partitur

Guidelines for the Viennese Donaukanal
with Gabu Heindl, Susan Kraupp. Respondent: Rudolf Scheuvens, Kurt Mittringer
Depot, Vienna

31/01/2015, 11:00 am | Lecture
Cause of Dispute, Test Case for Politics: The High-rise Building as Matter of Concern

Gabu Heindl
at “Architektur als Streitsache”
International Symposion, RWTH Aachen (GER)

08/12/2014 | monday evening discussion, Lecture
Architecture and the motion

Gabu Heindl, Drehli Robnik
Apollo Kino / RWTH Aachen

13/03/2014 | Workshop and screening
Mock-Ups in Close-Up

Toronto Society of Architects
at Bloor Hot Docs Cinema
Toronto, Canada

17, 18/02/2014 | Screening und workshop
Mock-Ups in Close-Up

Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle
Halle, Germany

17/01/2014 | Lecture
Public space in postfordist urban conditions

at the AA London
Housing & Urbanism Programme
London, UK

19/11/2013, 06:00 pm | Lecture
Kunst statt/oder Bau

Szenischer Parcour by Rupert Lehofer and Michael Zinganel
Lectures by Stanislaus von Moos, Anselm Wagner and Gabu Heindl,
Kunstraum Niederösterreich, Vienna

09/10/2013, 06:00 pm | Presentation, Introduction und Lecture
Mock-Ups in Close-Up

by Gabu Heindl | Drehli Robnik
‘my own private cinema’
within the exhibition “Kultur:Stadt”
Kunsthaus Graz

14/09/2013, 06:00 pm | Presentation and lecture
Mock-Ups in Close-Up

by Gabu Heindl / Drehli Robnik
at the Symposion ‘Das Modell’
MIES 1:1-Modell auf dem Egelsberg.
Krefeld, Germany

18/04/2013, 07:00 pm | Screening and lecture
Mock-Ups in Close-Up

Gabu Heindl / Drehli Robnik
in the context of the series ‘Architecture on Film’
of The Architecture Foundation
London, UK

05/04/2013 | Screening, lecture and discussion
Mock-Ups in Close-Up

with Gabu Heindl and Drehli Robnik
Architectural Models in Film 1919 to 2012
at Ooga Booga
Los Angeles, USA

31/01/2013 | Presentation and discussion
Mock-Ups in Close-Up Architekturmodelle im Film: 1919 – 2012

Presentation of the current version, lecture and discussion
Gabu Heindl and Drehli Robnik
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität of Heidelberg – Germany

10/01/2013, 06:30 pm | Discussion
Einfamilienhaus, Siedlung, Superblock Kontinuitäten und Fehlentwicklungen von 1932 bis heute

Gabu Heindl
participation in discussion in the context of the exhibition “Werkbundsiedlung Vienna 1932 – A Model for New Living”
Wien Museum Karlsplatz, Vienna

07/11/2012 | Lecture
Contesting Space / Architecture as a social practice

by Gabu Heindl
Brno University of Technology
Brno, Czech Republic

11/10/2012, 07:00 pm | Lecture
Spatial Justice, Susan S. Fainstein

organised by TU Vienna in cooperation with OEGFA
Moderation: Gabu Heindl
TU Vienna, Karlsplatz 13, Schütte-Lihotzky-Saal

29, 30/09/2012, 05:30 pm | Concept, choreography

Concept, choreography: Willi Dorner, Idea: Gabu Heindl
Austrian premiere
more information
Vienna, Europaplatz/Langauergasse (Westbahnhof)

14/09/2012, 07:00 pm | Screening of the new version and lecture
Mock-Ups in Close-Up

in the context of the exhibition “The Architectural Model – Tool, Fetish, Small Utopia”
Gabu Heindl and Drehli Robnik
DAM Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Frankfurt/Main – Germany

06, 07/07/2012, 06:00 pm | Presentation

Performative intervention for a group of performers in several
mobile installations. Concept, choreography: Willi Dorner, Idea: Gabu Heindl
Presentation in the context of
Festival des 7 Collines, St. Etienne, France

22/05/2012 | Lecture

about “Solidarity @ ÖGFA 2011/2012”
Prague, Czech Republic

17/05/2012, 07:00 pm | Lecture and screening of the current version of the movie
Mock-Ups in Close-Up

Gabu Heindl and Drehli Robnik
Forum Stadtpark, Graz

07/05/2012 | groundbreaking ceremony
BG/BRG Zehnergasse

Video of the ceremony on WNTV

03/05/2012 | Interdisciplinary workshop
Just Space!

with Gabu Heindl
Prague, Czech Republic

03/05/2012 | Interdisciplinary workshop
Just Space!

with Gabu Heindl
Prague, Czech Republic

02/05/2012, 06:00 pm | Presentation, Lecture
Just architecture! Justice as planning parameter?

Presentation of the special issue ERA21 #1 2012
Lecture by guest editor Gabu Heindl
Response: Petr Sourek (Corrupt Tour)
TU Prague, Czech Republic